Autori: Tomasevic Violeta R
Naslov | Finding an internal state of RC4 stream cipher (Article) |
Autori | Tomasevic Violeta R Bojanic Slobodan Nieto-Taladriz Octavio |
Info | INFORMATION SCIENCES, (2007), vol. 177 br. 7, str. 1715-1727 |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science Scopus |
Naslov | Reducing the state space of RC4 stream cipher (Article) |
Autori | Tomasevic Violeta R Bojanic Slobodan |
Info | COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE - ICCS 2004, PT 1, PROCEEDINGS, (2004), vol. 3036 br. , str. 644-647 |
Ispravka | Web of Science Citati: Web of Science |