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Naslov Chara squamosa (Characeae, Charophyceae) in Serbia - insights from the taxonomic revision of the BEOU charophyte collection and recent field records (Article)
Autori Trbojevic Ivana S  Markovic Aleksandra Z  Sinzar-Sekulic Jasmina B  Subakov-Simic Gordana V Romanov Roman 
Info BOTANICA SERBICA, (2024), vol. 48 br. 1, str. 85-92
Projekat Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia [47/2023-01/200178, 451-03-47/2023-01/200026]; Institute for Nature Protection of Serbia [451-03-47/2023-01/200026]; Fifth phase [065-4086/7]; State assignments of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS [121021600184-6]
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Naslov New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 15 (Article)
Autori Sabovljevic Marko S  Tomovic Gordana M Taskin Hatira Assyov Boris Skondric Sinisa Peric Ranko D Sabovljevic Aneta D  Dragicevic Snezana Markovic Aleksandra Z  Knezevic Jelena Cimerman Zan Lobnik Krajsek Simona Strgulc Djordjevic Vladan DB  Krdzic Svetlana Ilchev Ivilin Stoykov Dimitar Alvarado Pablo Djurovic Sanja Z  Buzurovic Uros Stankovic Mihajlo Kasom Gordana Papp Beata Pantovic Jovana P  Stefanut Sorin Stefanut Miruna-Maria Trbojevic Ivana S  Romanov Roman Schmidt David Korda Marton 
Info BOTANICA SERBICA, (2023), vol. 47 br. 2, str. 361-374
Projekat driving vascular plant diversity; Scientific and Technological Research Council of Tiirkiye-TUBITAK; National Science Programme "Environmental Protection [577/17.08.2018]; Ministry of Education and Science (MES) of Bulgaria [Ng A01-271/09.12.2022]; PeatRO2 EEA grant [RO-ENVIRONMENT-0004]
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