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Autori: Ripka Geza

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Naslov Alien eating alien - rapid spread of Aceria fraxiniflora, a non-native gall mite of the invasive green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) in Central-Eastern Europe (Article)
Autori Korda Marton Ripka Geza Hradil Karel Glavendekic Milka M  Matosevic Dinka Hrasovec Boris Paulin Marton Hirka Aniko Csoka Gyorgy 
Info EXPERIMENTAL AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY, (2023), vol. 91 br. 3, str. 405-412
Projekat Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund under the TKP2021-NKTA funding scheme [TKP2021-NKTA-43]; University of Sopron
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati:
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