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Autori: Portoles Jose

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Naslov Safety of Roxadustat Versus Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents in Patients with Anemia of Non-dialysis-Dependent or Incident-to-Dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease: Pooled Analysis of Four Phase 3 Studies (Article)
Autori Barratt Jonathan Dellanna Frank Portoles Jose Choukroun Gabriel De Nicola Luca Young James Dimkovic Nada B Reusch Michael 
Info ADVANCES IN THERAPY, (2023), vol. 40 br. 4, str. 1546-1559
Projekat Astellas Pharma, Inc.; Astellas Pharma, Inc. [DOLOMITES: NCT02021318]; FibroGen, Inc. [SIERRAS: NCT02273726, HIMALAYAS: NCT02052310]; AstraZeneca [ROCKIES: NCT02174731]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science  
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Naslov Safety of Roxadustat Versus Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents in Patients with Anemia of Non-dialysis-Dependent or Incident-to-Dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease: Pooled Analysis of Four Phase 3 Studies (Article)
Autori Barratt Jonathan Dellanna Frank Portoles Jose Choukroun Gabriel De Nicola Luca Young James Dimkovic Nada B Reusch Michael 
Info ADVANCES IN THERAPY, (2023), vol. 40 br. 4, str. 1546-1559
Projekat Astellas Pharma, Inc. (DOLOMITES); FibroGen, Inc.; AstraZeneca; [NCT02021318]; [NCT02273726]; [NCT02052310]; [NCT02174731]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati:
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