Autori: Poleski R
Naslov | Long photometric cycle and disk evolution in the beta Lyrae-type binary OGLE-BLG-ECL-157529 (Article) |
Autori | Mennickent RE Garces JL Djurasevic Gojko R Iwanek P Schleicher D Poleski R Soszynski I |
Info | ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, (2020), vol. 641 br. , str. - |
Projekat | VRID-Enlace [216.016.002-1.0]; BASAL Centro de Astrofisica y Tecnologias Afines (CATA)Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT)CONICYT PIA/BASAL [PFB-06/2007]; FONDECYTComision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science Scopus |
Naslov | On the long-cycle variability of the Algol OGLE-LMC-DPV-065 and its stellar, orbital, and disc parameters (Article) |
Autori | Mennickent RE Cabezas M Djurasevic Gojko R Rivinius T Hadrava P Poleski R Soszynski I Celedon L Astudillo-Defru N Raj A Fernandez-Trincado JG Schmidtobreick L Tappert C Neustroev V Porritt I |
Info | MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, (2019), vol. 487 br. 3, str. 4169-4180 |
Projekat | VRID-Enlace [218.016.004-1.0]; FONDECYT [1190621, 3180210, 3180063]; Chilean Centro de Excelencia en Astrofisica y Tecnologias Afines (CATA) BASAL grant [AFB-170002]; Polish National Science Centre grant MAESTRO [2014/14/A/ST9/00121]; Ministry of Educatio |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science Scopus |
Naslov | Structural changes in DPVs related to the long cycle (Article) |
Autori | Garces JL Mennickent RE Djurasevic Gojko R Poleski R |
Projekat | VRID-Enlace [216.016.002-1.0]; BASAL (CATA) [PFB06/2007]; Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia [176004]; Polish National Science Centre grant MAESTRO [2014/14/A/ST9/00121]; FONDECYT [1190621] |
Ispravka | Web of Science Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science Scopus |
Naslov | Structural changes in the hot Algol OGLE-LMC-DPV-097 and its disc related to its long cycle (Article) |
Autori | Garces JL Mennickent RE Djurasevic Gojko R Poleski R Soszynski I |
Info | MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, (2018), vol. 477 br. 1, str. L11-L15 |
Projekat | BASAL Centro de Astrofisica y Tecnologias Afines (CATA) [PFB-06/2007]; Polish National Science Centre grant MAESTRO [2014/14/A/ST9/00121]; Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia [176004]; [VRID-Enlace 216.016.002-1.0] |
Ispravka | Web of Science Članak Elečas Rang časopisa Citati: Web of Science Scopus |