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Autori: Csabai Zoltan

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Naslov Beneath the surface: Decoding the impact of Chironomus riparius bioturbation on microplastic dispersion in sedimentary matrix (Article)
Autori Sebteoui Khouloud Milosevic Djuradj D  Stankovic Jelena B  Baranov Viktor Jovanovic Boris  Krause Stefan Csabai Zoltan 
Info SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, (2024), vol. 919 br. , str. -
Projekat Stipendium Hungaricum Program; Integrated Cross-Sectoral solutions to Micro-and Nanoplastic Pollution in Soil and Groundwater Ecosystems - PlasticUnderground HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN (2022-2026) [101072777]
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