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Autori: Calderon P

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Naslov Cyclic changes in the interacting binary RX Cassiopeiae (Article)
Autori Mennickent Ronald E Djurasevic Gojko R Petrovic Jelena  Gorrini P Burgos F Jurkovic Monika I Magalhaes AM Schleicher DRG Calderon P 
Info ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, (2022), vol. 666 br. , str. -
Projekat ANID BASAL [ACE210002, FB210003]; FONDECYT Regular [1190621, 1201280]; Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia [451-0368/2020/14/20002]; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; National Science Foundation; NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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