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Autori: Sterijovski Bogoljub

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Naslov Dwarf vipers on a small island: body size, diet and fecundity correlates (Article)
Autori Tomovic Ljiljana M Andjelkovic Marko Zl  Golubovic Ana V  Arsovski Dragan Ajtic Rastko D  Sterijovski Bogoljub Nikolic Sonja Z  Crnobrnja-Isailovic Jelka M  Lakusic Margareta Bonnet Xavier 
Info BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, (2022), vol. 137 br. 2, str. 267-279
Projekat Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia [451-03-68/2022-14/200007, 451-03-68/2022-14/ 200124, 451-03-68/2022-14/ 200178]; FCT [2020.04790.BD]; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia [2020.04790.BD] Funding Source: FCT
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati:
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Naslov Why An Apparently Prosperous Subspecies Needs Strict Protection: the Case of Testudo Hermanni Boeittgeri from the Central Balkans (Article)
Autori Nikolic Sonja Z  Golubovic Ana V  Bonnet Xavier Arsovski Dragan Ballouard Jean-Marie Ajtic Rastko D  Sterijovski Bogoljub Ikovic Vuk Vujovic Ana  Tomovic Ljiljana M 
Info HERPETOLOGICAL CONSERVATION AND BIOLOGY, (2018), vol. 13 br. 3, str. 673-690
Projekat Ministry of Education, Sciences and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia [173043]; Ministry of Agri-culture and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia [401-00-00243/2014-08]; Rufford Foundation [12291-1]; CITES office in Serbia
Ispravka Web of Science   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science  
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Naslov When carapace governs size: variation among age classes and individuals in a free-ranging ectotherm with delayed maturity (Article)
Autori Arsovski Dragan Tomovic Ljiljana M Golubovic Ana V  Nikolic Sonja Z  Sterijovski Bogoljub Ajtic Rastko D  Ballouard Jean-Marie Bonnet Xavier 
Info OECOLOGIA, (2018), vol. 186 br. 4, str. 953-963
Projekat Ministry of Education and Science of Serbia [173043]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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Naslov A prison effect in a wild population: a scarcity of females induces homosexual behaviors in males (Article)
Autori Bonnet Xavier Golubovic Ana V  Arsovski Dragan Djordjevic Sonja Z Ballouard Jean-Marie Sterijovski Bogoljub Ajtic Rastko D  Barbraud Christophe Tomovic Ljiljana M 
Info BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY, (2016), vol. 27 br. 4, str. 1206-1215
Projekat Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia [173043]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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Naslov Conservation Threats to Dice Snakes (Natrix Tessellata) in Golem Grad Island (Fyr of Macedonia) (Article)
Autori Sterijovski Bogoljub Ajtic Rastko D  Tomovic Ljiljana M Bonnet Xavier 
Info HERPETOLOGICAL CONSERVATION AND BIOLOGY, (2014), vol. 9 br. 3, str. 468-474
Projekat Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia [173043]
Ispravka Web of Science   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science  
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Naslov Contribution to the knowledge of the Reptile fauna and diversity in FYR of Macedonia (Article)
Autori Sterijovski Bogoljub Tomovic Ljiljana M Ajtic Rastko D  
Info NORTH-WESTERN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, (2014), vol. 10 br. 1, str. 83-92
Projekat Ministry of Education, Sciences and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia [173043]
Ispravka Web of Science   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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Naslov Genetic Variation and Population Structure in the Endangered Hermanns Tortoise: The Roles of Geography and Human-Mediated Processes (Article)
Autori Perez Melanie Livoreil Barbara Mantovani Sara Boisselier Marie-Catherine Crestanello Barbara Abdelkrim Jawad Bonillo Celine Goutner Vassilis Lambourdiere Josie Pierpaoli Massimo Sterijovski Bogoljub Tomovic Ljiljana M Vilaca Sibelle T Mazzotti Stefano Bertorelle Giorgio 
Info JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, (2014), vol. 105 br. 1, str. 70-81
Projekat Station d'Observation et de Protection des Tortues et de leurs Milieux; University of Ferrara; Museum of Natural History of Ferrara; Universite Pierre & Marie Curie (Paris)
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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Naslov Legal Status and Assessment of Conservation Threats to Vipers (Reptilia: Squamata: Viperidae) of the Western and Central Balkans (Article)
Autori Jelic Dusan Ajtic Rastko D  Sterijovski Bogoljub Crnobrnja-Isailovic Jelka M  Lelo Suvad Tomovic Ljiljana M 
Info HERPETOLOGICAL CONSERVATION AND BIOLOGY, (2013), vol. 8 br. 3, str. 764-770
Projekat SYNTHESYS European Community Research Infrastructure Action [HU-TAF-1287, AT-TAF-1845]; Rufford Small Grants; Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia [173043, 173025]; DAAD Grant [324/jo-Yu]
Ispravka Web of Science   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science  
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Naslov Unexpected life history traits in a very dense population of dice snakes (Article)
Autori Ajtic Rastko D  Tomovic Ljiljana M Sterijovski Bogoljub Crnobrnja-Isailovic Jelka M  Djordjevic Sonja Z Djurakic Marko R  Golubovic Ana V  Simovic Aleksandar Arsovski Dragan Andjelkovic Marko Zl  Krstic Milivoj Sukalo Goran Gvozdenovic Sladjana Aidam Aurelie Michel Catherine Louise Ballouard Jean-Marie Bonnet Xavier 
Info ZOOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER, (2013), vol. 252 br. 3, str. 350-358
Projekat Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Serbia [173043, 173025]; Republic of France; Republic of Serbia; French Embassy; French Cultural Centre in Belgrade
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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Naslov Geographic (in-)variability of gender-specific traits in Hermann's tortoise (Article)
Autori Djordjevic Sonja Z Tomovic Ljiljana M Golubovic Ana V  Simovic Aleksandar Sterijovski Bogoljub Djurakic Marko R  Bonnet Xavier 
Info HERPETOLOGICAL JOURNAL, (2013), vol. 23 br. 2, str. 67-73
Projekat Ministry of Education and Science of Serbia [173043]
Ispravka Web of Science   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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