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Autori: Ristic Mihailo S

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Naslov Chemical composition and antmicrobial activity of essential oil of Salvia ringens Sibth. et Sm. var. baldacciana Briq. (Article)
Autori Savikin Katarina P  Ristic Mihailo S Zdunic Gordana M Stevic Tatjana R Menkovic Nebojsa R 
Info JOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL RESEARCH, (2008), vol. 20 br. 4, str. 363-365
Ispravka Web of Science   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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Naslov Essential oil composition of Cymbopogon winterianus and Carum carvi and their antimicrobial activities (Article)
Autori Simic Ana M  Rancic Ana D  Sokovic Marina D  Ristic Mihailo S Grujic-Jovanovic Slavica Vukojevic Jelena B  Marin Petar D  
Info PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGY, (2008), vol. 46 br. 6, str. 437-441
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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Naslov Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Thymus pannonicus All. (Lamiaceae) essential oil (Article)
Autori Maksimovic Zoran A  Milenkovic Marina T  Vucicevic Dragana D  Ristic Mihailo S 
Info CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, (2008), vol. 3 br. 2, str. 149-154
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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Naslov Essential oil of Arnica montana and Arnica chamissonis (Article)
Autori Ristic Mihailo S Krivokuca-Djokic Dragana Radanovic Dragoja S Nastovski Tatjana Lj 
Info HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA, (2007), vol. 61 br. 5, str. 272-277
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science  
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Naslov Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of sesquiterpenes from valerian root (Article)
Autori Zizovic Irena T  Stamenic Marko D Ivanovic Jasna Z  Orlovic Aleksandar M Ristic Mihailo S Djordjevic Sofija M Petrovic Slobodan D Skala Dejan U 
Info JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS, (2007), vol. 43 br. 2 , Suppl. , str. 249 -258
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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Naslov Essential oil of Laurus nobilis from Montenegro (Article)
Autori Kovacevic Nada N  Simic Mirjana D  Ristic Mihailo S 
Info CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS, (2007), vol. 43 br. 4 , Suppl. , str. 408 -411
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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Naslov Composition of Potentilia speciosa herb essential oil (Article)
Autori Kovacevic Nada N  Ristic Mihailo S 
Info JOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL RESEARCH, (2007), vol. 19 br. 5 , Suppl. , str. 416 -418
Ispravka Web of Science   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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Naslov Variability of the needle essential oils of Pinus heldreichii from different populations in Montenegro and Serbia (Article)
Autori Nikolic Biljana M  Ristic Mihailo S Bojovic Srdjan R  Marin Petar D  
Info CHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY, (2007), vol. 4 br. 5, str. 905-916
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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Naslov Essential oil composition of Hypericum hirsutum L. (Article)
Autori Gudzic Branislav T Smelcerovic Andrija A  Djordjevic Sinisa M Mimica-Dukic Neda M Ristic Mihailo S 
Info FLAVOUR AND FRAGRANCE JOURNAL, (2007), vol. 22 br. 1, str. 42-43
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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Naslov Fatty acid composition of two Athamanta turbith subspecies (Article)
Autori Tomic Ana Petrovic Silvana D Pucarevic Mira M  Sobajic Sladjana S Ristic Mihailo S Niketic Marjan S 
Info CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS, (2006), vol. 42 br. 4, str. 391-393
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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