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Autori: Pantelic Dejan V

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Naslov The morphology of the pygidial glands and the chemical composition of their secretions of four sphodrine ground beetle species (Carabidae: Platyninae) (Article)
Autori Vranic Sofija Vujisic Ljubodrag V  Vesovic Nikola R  Todosijevic Marina M  Pantelic Dejan V Pavlovic Danica  Ivanovic Stefan G  Vasovic Marija Cucic Srecko 
Info JOURNAL OF INSECT PHYSIOLOGY, (2024), vol. 158 br. , str. -
Projekat Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia [451-03-65/2024-03/200178, 451-03-66/2024-03/200178, 451-03-47/2024-03/200168, 451-03-66/2024-03/200026]; Institute of Physics, Belgrade from the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia; COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) [CA22102]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa  
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Naslov Impact of optical fiber-based photo-activation on dental composite polymerization (Article)
Autori Novta Evgenije  Pantelic Dejan V Blazic Larisa  Toth Elvira  Cvejic Zeljka N  Grujic Dusan Z Savic-Sevic Svetlana N  Lainovic Tijana Z 
Info JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY, (2024), vol. 145 br. , str. -
Projekat Serbian Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovations [451-03-47/2023-01/200114]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa  
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Naslov In vivo femtosecond laser nanosurgery of the cell wall enabling patch-clamp measurements on filamentous fungi (Article)
Autori Pajic Tanja  Stevanovic Katarina S Todorovic Natasa V  Krmpot Aleksandar J  Zivic Miroslav Z Savic-Sevic Svetlana N Levic Steva M  Stanic Marina B  Pantelic Dejan V Jelenkovic Brana M  Rabasovic Mihailo D  
Info MICROSYSTEMS & NANOENGINEERING, (2024), vol. 10 br. 1, str. -
Projekat Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovations, Republic of Serbia [451-03-47/2023-01/200178, 451-03-47/2023-01/200007]; Project HEMMAGINERO from the Program PROMIS, Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia [6066079]; Institute of Physics Belgrade through Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovations of the Republic of Serbia; Project Advanced Biophysical Methods for Soil Targeted Fungi-Based Biocontrol Agents - BioPhysFUN from the Program DEVELOPMENT - Green program of cooperation between science and industry, Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia [4545]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa  
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Naslov Morphology of the pygidial glands and chemical composition of their secretions in two species of tiger beetles (Carabidae: Cicindelinae) (Article)
Autori Vranic Sofija Vesovic Nikola R  Antonijevic Lana Vlajic Aleksandar Todosijevic Marina M  Pavlovic Danica  Pantelic Dejan V Curcic Srecko B  Vujisic Ljubodrag V  
Info ZOOLOGY, (2024), vol. 162 br. , str. -
Projekat Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia [451-03-47/2023-01/200178, 451-03-47/2023-01/200168]; Institute of Physics, Belgrade, through a grant from the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati:
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Naslov Real-time multispectral transmission of hard tooth tissues and dental composites with their heating (Article)
Autori Lezaja-Zebic Maja Muric Branka D  Savic-Sevic Svetlana N Dzeletovic Bojan Stratimirovic Djordje I Pantelic Dejan V 
Info DENTAL MATERIALS, (2023), vol. 39 br. 10, str. 903-912
Projekat Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia [451-03-47/2023-01/200129]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati:
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Naslov Characterization of a bioderived imaging sensor based on a Morpho butterfly's wing (Article)
Autori Atanasijevic Petar A  Grujic Dusan Z Krajinic Filip  Mihailovic Pedja M  Pantelic Dejan V 
Info OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY, (2023), vol. 159 br. , str. -
Projekat Institute of Physics Belgrade - Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia; NATO, Science for Peace and Security [SPS G5618]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science  
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Naslov The cuspal deflection caused by dental composite polymerization shrinkage analyzed by digital holography (Article)
Autori Novta Evgenije  Lainovic Tijana Z Grujic Dusan Z Pantelic Dejan V Blazic Larisa  
Info VOJNOSANITETSKI PREGLED, (2022), vol. 79 br. 12, str. 1216-1223
Projekat Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia [NIO 200114]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa  
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Naslov Secretions of pygidial defensive glands in three species of the genus Bembidion (Carabidae), and morphology of pygidial glands in B. (Peryphanes) dalmatinum (Article)
Autori Vranic Sofija Vujisic Ljubodrag V  Vesovic Nikola R  Jeremic Milica Pantelic Dejan V Todosijevic Marina M  Pavlovic Danica  Curcic Nina B  Radovanovic Milan M  Petrovic Marko DO  Curcic Srecko B  
Info ANNALES ZOOLOGICI FENNICI, (2022), vol. 59 br. 1, str. 131-147
Projekat Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia [451-03-68/2022-14/200178, 451-03-68/2022-14/200168, 451-03-68/2022-14/200172]; Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade, through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
Ispravka Web of Science   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science  
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Naslov Characterization and Optimization of Real-Time Photoresponsive Gelatin for Direct Laser Writing (Article)
Autori Muric Branka D  Pantelic Dejan V Radmilovic Mihajlo D Savic-Sevic Svetlana N Vasovic Vesna O 
Info POLYMERS, (2022), vol. 14 br. 12, str. -
Projekat Institute of Physics University of Belgrade; Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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Naslov Rapid direct laser writing of microoptical components on a meltable biocompatible gel (Article)
Autori Radmilovic Mihajlo D Muric Branka D  Grujic Dusan Z Zarkov Boban Nenadic Marija Z Pantelic Dejan V 
Info OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, (2022), vol. 54 br. 6, str. -
Projekat NATO Science for Peace and Security programme [SPS G5618]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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