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Autori: Laban-Nestorovic Suzana

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Vidi i: Laban Suzana

Naslov In Vivo Susceptibility of ESBL Producing Escherichia Coli to Ceftriaxone in Children with Acute Pyelonephritis (Article)
Autori Peco-Antic Amira E Paripovic Dusan  Buljugic Svetlana Spasojevic-Dimitrijeva Brankica B Cvetkovic Mirjana  Laban-Nestorovic Suzana Milosevski-Lomic Gordana 
Info SRPSKI ARHIV ZA CELOKUPNO LEKARSTVO, (2012), vol. 140 br. 5-6, str. 321-325
Projekat Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection, Government of Serbia[175079]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science  
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Naslov Antibiotic Resistance of Uropathogens in Newborns and Young Children with Acute Pyelonephritis (Article)
Autori Peco-Antic Amira E Paripovic Dusan  Buljugic Svetlana Kruscic Divna Spasojevic Brankica B Cvetkovic Mirjana  Kostic Mirjana K  Laban-Nestorovic Suzana Milosevski-Lomic Gordana 
Info SRPSKI ARHIV ZA CELOKUPNO LEKARSTVO, (2012), vol. 140 br. 3-4, str. 179-183
Projekat Ministry of Education and Science, Government of Serbia[175079]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science  
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Vidi i: Laban Suzana

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