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Autori: Antonijevic Biljana

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Naslov Testing sulforaphane as a strategy against toxic chemicals of public health concern by toxicogenomic data analysis: Friend or foe at the gene level-Colorectal carcinoma case study (Article)
Autori Baralic Katarina V  Zivancevic Katarina S  Maric Djurdjica Bozic Dragica  Buha-Djordjevic Aleksandra  Antonijevic-Miljakovic Evica Lj  Curcic Marijana M  Bulat Zorica  Antonijevic Biljana  Djukic-Cosic Danijela 
Info ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, (2023), vol. 227 br. , str. -
Projekat project "Improving anti-cancer immunotherapy efficacy of CAR-T cells or PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors by combining immune modulators" - Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia; People's Republic of China [451-03-1203/2021-09]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati:
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Naslov Derivation of benchmark doses for male reproductive toxicity in a subacute low-level Pb exposure model in rats (Article)
Autori Vukelic Dragana M  Buha-Djordjevic Aleksandra  Andjelkovic Milena  Repic Aleksandra M Baralic Katarina V  Curcic Marijana M  Djukic-Cosic Danijela Boricic Novica I  Antonijevic Biljana  Bulat Zorica  
Info TOXICOLOGY LETTERS, (2023), vol. 375 br. , str. 69-76
Projekat Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia [451-03-68/2022-14/200161]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa  
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Naslov Subacute Exposure to Low Pb Doses Promotes Oxidative Stress in the Kidneys and Copper Disturbances in the Liver of Male Rats (Article)
Autori Vukelic Dragana M  Buha-Djordjevic Aleksandra  Andjelkovic Milena  Antonijevic-Miljakovic Evica Lj  Baralic Katarina V  Zivancevic Katarina S  Bulat Petar V  Radovanovic Jelena N  Djukic-Cosic Danijela Antonijevic Biljana  Bulat Zorica  
Info TOXICS, (2023), vol. 11 br. 3, str. -
Projekat Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, Republic of Serbia; University of Belgrade-Faculty of Pharmacy [451-03-47/2023-01/200161]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa  
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Naslov Carcinogenic and human health risk assessment of children's and adults' exposure to toxic metal(oid)s from air PM10 in critical sites of the Republic of Serbia (Article)
Autori Gladovic Ana Petrovic Bojana Vukelic Dragana M  Buha-Djordjevic Aleksandra  Curcic Marijana M  Djukic-Cosic Danijela Sostaric Andrej I Antonijevic Biljana  Bulat Zorica  
Info ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, (2023), vol. 30 br. 22, str. 61753-61765
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati:
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Naslov Conducting bioinformatics analysis to predict sulforaphane-triggered adverse outcome pathways in healthy human cells (Article)
Autori Bozic Dragica  Zivancevic Katarina S  Baralic Katarina V  Antonijevic-Miljakovic Evica Lj  Buha-Djordjevic Aleksandra  Curcic Marijana M  Bulat Zorica  Antonijevic Biljana  Djukic-Cosic Danijela 
Info BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY, (2023), vol. 160 br. , str. -
Projekat Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia; People's Republic of China [451-03-1203/2021-09]; State's Key Project of Research and Development Plan of the People's Republic of China [2021YFE0110600]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa  
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Naslov Comprehensive investigation of hepatotoxicity of the mixture containing phthalates and bisphenol A (Article)
Autori Baralic Katarina V  Pavic Aleksandar B  Javorac Dragana M  Zivancevic Katarina S  Bozic Dragica  Radakovic Natasa S  Antonijevic-Miljakovic Evica Lj  Buha-Djordjevic Aleksandra  Curcic Marijana M  Bulat Zorica  Antonijevic Biljana  Djukic-Cosic Danijela 
Info JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, (2023), vol. 445 br. , str. -
Projekat Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia; [451-03-9/2021-14/200161]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science  
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Naslov New insight into the perplexing toxic features of PCBs: A study of nephrotoxicity in an animal model (Article)
Autori Buha-Djordjevic Aleksandra  Milovanovic Vesna V Curcic Marijana M  Antonijevic-Miljakovic Evica Lj  Bulat Zorica  Djukic-Cosic Danijela Jankovic Sasa D Vucinic Slavica S Hayes A Wallace Antonijevic Biljana  
Info ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, (2023), vol. 217 br. , str. -
Projekat Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, the Republic of Serbia through a Grant Agreement with the University of Belgrade -Faculty of Pharmacy; [451-03-68/2022 -14/200161]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science  
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Naslov Cadmium dietary exposure assessment in the adult population and pre-school children in the Republic of Serbia (Article)
Autori Jankovic Sasa D Stosic Milena D Antonijevic-Miljakovic Evica Lj  Curcic Marijana M  Djukic-Cosic Danijela Buha-Djordjevic Aleksandra  Bulat Zorica  Antonijevic Biljana  
Projekat Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia; University of Belgrade Faculty of Pharmacy [451-03-68/2022-14/200161]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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Naslov Fluoride subacute testicular toxicity in Wistar rats: Benchmark dose analysis for the redox parameters, essential elements and DNA damage (Article)
Autori Radovanovic Jelena Antonijevic Biljana  Curcic Marijana M  Baralic Katarina V  Kolarevic Stoimir M  Bulat Zorica  Djukic-Cosic Danijela Buha-Djordjevic Aleksandra  Vukovic-Gacic Branka S  Javorac Dragana M  Antonijevic-Miljakovic Evica Lj  Carevic Momir Mandinic Zoran 
Info ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, (2022), vol. 314 br. , str. -
Projekat Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia [:451- 03-9/2021-14/200161, 451-03-9/2021-14/200017]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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Naslov Redox and biometal status in Wistar rats after subacute exposure to fluoride and selenium counter-effects (Article)
Autori Radovanovic Jelena Antonijevic Biljana  Baralic Katarina V  Curcic Marijana M  Djukic-Cosic Danijela Bulat Zorica  Javorac Dragana M  Buha-Djordjevic Aleksandra  Kotur-Stevuljevic Jelena M Sudar-Milovanovic Emina M  Antonijevic-Miljakovic Evica Lj  Beloica Milos Mandinic Zoran 
Projekat Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia [:451-03-9/2021-14/200161, 451-03-9/2021-14/ 200017]
Ispravka Web of Science   Članak   Elečas   Rang časopisa   Citati: Web of Science   Scopus  
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