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Autori: Al Bakir Maise

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Naslov The evolution of non-small cell lung cancer metastases in TRACERx (Article)
Autori Al Bakir Maise ... Tanic Miljana G  ... (broj koautora 286) 
Info NATURE, (2023), vol. 616 br. 7957, str. 534-+
Projekat TRACERx study; University College London [UCL/12/0279, 13/LO/1546]; Cancer Research UK [TRACERx (C11496/A17786), C416/A21999]; UCL Cancer Trials Centre; CRUK; Cancer Research UK Lung Cancer Centre of Excellence [C11496/A30025]; CRUK City of London Centre Award [C7893/A26233]; UCL Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre; Rosetrees Trust; Francis Crick Institute; Rosetrees; Wellcome trusts; Marie Curie ITN Project PLOIDYNET [607722]; Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF); Royal Society Research Professorships Enhancement Award [RP/EA/180007]; Foulkes Foundation; Stand Up To Cancer; NovoNordisk Foundation [ID16584]; JSPS Overseas Research Fellowships Program [202060447]; NIHR University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre; Manchester NIHR CRF; Department of Health's NIHR Biomedical Research Centre [MR/T02481X/1]; CRUK programme grant [EDDCPGM\100002]; MRC Programme grant [MR/W025051/1]; CRUK Lung Cancer Centre; CRUK City of London Centre; Roy Castle Lung Cancer foundation; Longfonds BREATH Consortia; MRC UKRMP2 Consortia; Garfield Weston Trust; University College London Hospitals Charitable Foundation; Department of Health's NIHR Biomedical Research Centre's funding scheme; UCL/UCLH NIHR Biomedical Research Centre; UCL ECMC; UCL/UCLH NIHR Biomedical Centre - Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Senior Cancer Research Fellowship [C36463/A22246]; CRUK Biotherapeutic Program [C36463/A20764]; UK Medical Research Council [CC2041]; Wellcome Trust [CC2041]; Winton Charitable Foundation; CPRIT [RR210006]; Cancer Research UK through the CRUK Manchester Institute [A27412]; CRUK Manchester Centre [CTRQQR-2021\100010]; CRUK Lung Cancer Centre of Excellence [A29240]; NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre [R272-2017-4040]; Aarhus University Research Foundation [AUFF-E-2018-7-14]; Novo Nordisk Foundation [NNF21OC0071483]; Cancer Research UK UCL Centre Non-Clinical Training Award [CANTAC721\100022]; CRUK Career Establishment Awardee; IASLC International Lung Cancer Foundation
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